Danielle Spak


Danielle never really envisioned herself getting married, let alone sailing around the world.  Dean has been the catalyst for MANY new things in her life though….so let the adventure begin!  The challenge will be balancing a very complex beauty regime with being on a sailboat for extended periods of time.  (hmmmm…can you all see the foreshadowing of her next blog you can follow?)

Amazingly enough, Danielle started off as more of a tomboy, along with her sister, and best friend, Christi.  She had the great fortune, thanks to her parents Mike and Nancy Spak, to be raised far out in the country in northern Wisconsin.  Her childhood was spent outdoors climbing trees, catching critters, and getting into trouble with Christi.  Summers were spent at their cabin on the lake in Birchwood, WI.  It was during those summers that both Danielle’s grandmother and father, Mike, fostered a deep love of fishing in her.  This skill and affinity for being on the water made it all the easier to lure Dean in!

Danielle believes she pretty much sealed the deal with Dean the first time she took him to her cabin fishing.  He taught her how to fish for large mouth bass on lily pads, and she taught him how to catch her favorite bait…crayfish.  On the water is where these two are happiest.

Dean, and their relationship, is one of the best things she has ever worked hard for.  Their partnership has evolved into a caliber of love and respect she never saw coming.  Their dreams for the future have converged onto one path…albeit a little unconventional.  She wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is so excited to share their wedding day with friends and family at her parents’ beautiful home in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  Many of you know that Danielle’s mother, Nancy, is a master gardener and has made their property an absolute wonderland.  It is sure to be a wedding like no other you have ever attended!

3 thoughts on “Danielle Spak

  1. Danielle
    Love all the stories and Pictures. I remember being up at your cabin with the
    kids and you caught lots of crayfish and we cooked them up. Good times!
    Dave and I will be at the wedding – sounds like fun.

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